The Effects of Fast Fashion Reddit

Fast manner lovers all over the earth get their cheap "set up" at high costs to the planet and garment workers in low-cost countries. And many are not enlightened that the weekly trends they indulge in take such negative consequences. The fast style manufacture has issues of unethical sourcing, human being rights violations, and improper waste disposal.

Unlike regular fashion documentaries, a fast-fashion documentary shows the not-so-glamorous side of the fashion industry. Information technology reveals the truth behind tragedies similar the Rana Plaza collapse. From the loss of life to negative environmental bear upon, our shopping habits price much more than than money.

To understand how much our cheap and trendy clothes costs, take some time to watch these vii fast mode documentaries.


The motion picture revolves effectually the quest of Canadian designer Laura Siegel on a mission to launch her fall/winter collection on time while making sure each stride is ethical and traceable. 1 of the major problems with fast fashion is its difficult-to-trace supply chain. In this documentary, Siegel tries to describe a visible line from her source to her finished designs. She has interactions with the local Indian designers, negotiating time and price on terms favorable to both parties.

The pic paints a beautiful picture of historic period-old crafts, the traditions backside them, and the people who continue to practice them in our mechanized world.

This movie, similar virtually documentaries, features the stance of an expert. Dr. Leo Bonanni explains traceability and transparency in the garment industry. He talks at length nearly how a social engineering science of his ain design, "source-map," helps to connect manufacturers to suppliers. Sourcemap is besides designed to monitor, report and analyze social, financial, and environmental risks.

The documentary does well in capturing the essence of connexion between designers and their suppliers; information technology shows the positive value of establishing such relationships. It establishes the opinion that a traceable supply concatenation tin help to reduce human costs in fast way.

Watch Traceable on Amazon

The True Price

In this documentary, producer Andrew Morgan lays out the issues of fast manner methodologically. The truthful toll analyses the homo, social and ecology costs of fast fashion. Andrew Morgan shares his journey beyond the globe, interviewing many dissimilar people. He interviews Stella McCartney, Vandana Shiva, Livia Firth, amongst others. He talks to organic cotton wool farmers, seamstresses from Bangladesh, factory managers, activists, and fair trade economists.

The story of 23-year-onetime Shima is moving only sadly not unique. Shima moved to Dhaka when she was 12 to piece of work in the garment mill, her attempt to fight for minimum wage for members of the workers union resulted in terrible consequences. Instead of a bacon raise, the managers beat up the workers and set on them with scissors.

The truthful cost also points out various practices by the fast fashion industry that are destroying the planet.

Morgan shows creativity by juxtaposing the social media image of fast fashion and its reality in this movie and using a subtle comparing of pop Youtube vesture haul videos and the gruesome images of pollution and suffering.

Picket The True Toll on Amazon

Alex James: Slowing Down Fast Fashion

Produced by accolade-winning advertising artistic and documentary filmmaker, Alex James narrates this documentary. James was formerly a bassist for Blur, but he is now a food producer. He begins his narrative past request five key questions; how tin it be so inexpensive? What is it made of? Who fabricated it? How long volition you habiliment it? And where will it end up?

James experiments on 2 identical sweaters in the picture show, one made from wool the other an acrylic. He ready fire to both, the wool sweater burned merely did not take hold of fire, but the acrylic sweater promptly caught fire and melted. He does this to show the importance of ownership quality over cheap clothes.

He advises that consumers try to trace the origins of their clothing to make up one's mind whether it is made ethically or not. To do this, they should get the basic knowledge about the brands they article of clothing and their fabrics. Information technology is his opinion that people should buy less clothing and choose those made with natural fiber. He also encourages upcycling, buying from austerity shops, and repairing fixable damages.

Watch Slowing Down Fashion on Amazon

Mainland china Blue

This pic gives an in-depth business relationship of the human rights violations in China's blue jeans mill. Recorded clandestinely, it exposes the impacts of the rapid growth of the fast way manufacture on people at the production end. At the Li Feng dress factory in Shaxi, Guangdong, we meet Jasmine, a teenage girl working to send money dwelling house to her family. She and her friends work from 8 am till 2 am the next day. For one hour of work, they make only about six cents. She and 12 other girls share a room in a crowded dormitory with no running water.

Her frustrations become even worse when her dominate makes a deal with a western customer that results in round-the-clock shifts for the workers. Mr. Lam, a onetime police chief and now factory possessor, agrees to low prices and a tight commitment schedule to secure an lodge. The global economic system leaves Factory owners like him with few choices. Failure to meet his customer'due south demand ways they take their concern to the next desperate mill owner.

The Machinists

Directed by Hannan Majid and Richard York, "The Machinists" gets up shut and personal with Bangladeshi garment workers. The documentary focuses on 3 women working in the garment factory. This film gives name and face to the human rights violations surrounding western high street manner.

The first person we meet is a young single mother who lives with vii other family unit members. She has 2 sisters who are also single mothers. They piece of work 15 hours a day, sewing clothes for fast fashion companies, and are never sure the meager wages will be paid on time. The women complain about beingness fabricated to work overtime without compensation.

Next, nosotros are introduced to a young adult female in her twenties who has been working in the factory since she was nine years old. She lives in isolation in a dark hovel with its padlocked rusty door as protection. As she crouches the dirt flooring to eat a dinner of potatoes and spices, she explains that her monthly salary is as well little to afford meat. She earns but $45 U.s. a month and is heavily indebted. Despite her challenges, she volunteers at the union office, "nosotros are like family...we have care of each other," she says.

Finally, nosotros meet Mohammed and his wife, who works at the garment manufacturing plant to back up her husband. The couple works difficult to educate their girl with the hope that she can look afterward them when they are former.

The machinists of Bangladesh make their wish that people would purchase apparel with conscience known in this movie.

River Blueish

This documentary takes you on a journey with conservationist Mark Angelo to some of the most vital rivers around the world. He examines rivers in People's republic of bangladesh, England, Republic of zambia, People's republic of china, India, Republic of zambia, Indonesia, and the United states. At all these places, he finds evidence of pollution by the fashion manufacture. The documentary features interviews with conservationists from the local areas. Stuart Bunn, a water consultant, comments, "waterways have taken the brunt of development."

The chemicals dumped into rivers by the material industries sometimes impact wildlife immediately, for humans. Nonetheless, the danger is nigh negligible until it is too late. Angelo details ii instances, 1 in which a man takes home fish that died from chemicals dumped in the river to feed his family. The second in which Indian farmers are irrigating their crops with water from the polluted river Ganges. Both instances testify how chemicals from clothing product cease up in the human being food chain.

Although the moving picture paints a grim motion-picture show, it ends on a hopeful annotation. Angelo uses the River Thames to create a vision of how polluted rivers can become clean again if we brand the right laws and enforce them. The documentary also highlights the work of some companies developing ground-breaking techniques that have the potential to minimize water pollution and waste in the textile industry.

Watch River Blue on Amazon

The Next Blackness

Bringing together innovators in the fashion manufacture, the next black explores the future of clothing. In the documentary film, we see Rick ridgeway, an environmentalist and an executive at Patagonia. Matt Hymers is the project manager of Adidas' squad elite organization and co-founder and managing director of Studio XO, Nancy Tilbury. Next is Suzanne Lee, founder of BioCouture ltd, and Sophie Mather, the innovation director of the Yeh Group.

Yeh grouping is pioneering technology that uses less water to dye clothing; BioCouture uses living organisms to grow clothing material. Studio XO is creating dress that automatically change shape and color, and Adidas uses woven sensors to gather existent-time operation data. Patagonia is a leading sustainable manner make. All these brands are working towards reducing the environmental bear on of the fashion manufacture.

This documentary brings these people together for an open discussion, information technology explores everyone's perspective. And highlights their efforts.

Watch The Next Blackness on Amazon


Y'all may not think that whatsoever vesture item is worth dying for. But many people in countries such as Republic of india, Cambodia, and China risk their life and health to supply fast way consumers all over the world. The truth is, when nosotros permit our sense of style to exist guided past any fast fashion Instagram influencer, we will consume more we need. And therefore, waste material resources and contribute to the environmental impact of the fast fashion industry.

These documentaries show a unlike confront of fast way to what celebrity culture and social media portray. Watching these documentaries will open your eyes to the price our earth is paying for cheap clothes. They will brand yous question and re-evaluate your shopping habits.

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